Tuesday, January 24, 2012

450 Million kms of Love

"450 Million kilometres of love" He said, as he bent to kiss me.  "that is how much I love you" my son said.  That would probably mean that I am covered, entoured from head to toe with love.   But then I wondered, how do we measure love? 

We say "ad el donia" meaning as big as the world, and then it becomes not big enough so we say "ad el donia 100 times" as if that would make it really meaningful or more accurate.  We say " I love you mooot" which is I love you death"  but is that like " I love you to death" or is it something like " I am dying in your love" or "your love is killing me"  like "killing me softly" and I know sometimes it does so harshly and cruelly too.

So, really think about it.. how do we measure love.. the love of others to us as well as our love to others.  Is it in kilos?  in metres like my son?  or is it in moments in which love over floods and fills our worlds? 

Is it in words? then writers are those who love most?  if you run a word count, you may found millions and millions of words about love.  there does not seem to be many more interesting topics for writers to ponder over.

Or is it by actions, following the saying that "deeds are louder than words".  But actions, too can go unnoticed.  Actions might not have the opportunity to emerge in the first place. 

How do we know that we love a certain someone more than the rest?  or that we are so special to someone, more than anyone else? 

It is not quanitifiable, I know... but nevertheless, we keep trying to put measures.. to explain and define as if this will make it better, will make love stronger or clearer, and may be it does.  Even though inaccurate, all our frail attempts are not futile for they bring more love to us inside out.  May be it is for this exact reason; the inability to quanitify or define love, that we try so hard so that this other special someone really knows how much we do love him.. whether it is "ad el donia" or "as many as the stars in the sky" " or as deep as the sea" or even "450 million kms" :)

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